Great tips for making a life commitment to stay in shape, have a good time and stay healthy
Seven Ways to Nurture Yourself (When Caregiving)
Taking care of a loved one who is infirm can be very draining. I hope you enjoy this short video from AARP as a reminder for how to best take care of yourself when performing this role.
Best Brows after 50 and how to get them
Good eyebrows, ones that add structure and definition to our faces, can be attained at any age. The problem for many of us at 50+ is that we went a bit crazy back in the day with eyebrow plucking. But not to worry, dear readers, over plucked (or over waxed) brows can be fixed.
There are many ways to “fix” your brows because, as you know, eyebrows become thinner and less defined with age. However, a solution as simple as filling and shaping your brows gives them a much more defined, younger look. You can also opt to have your eyebrows professionally tinted once a month. Not only does this help define your brows but it will emphasize even your lightest hairs, giving the illusion of a fuller brow.
After brows are tinted or dyed, you may still want to fill them in, depending on the type of brow product you are most comfortable with. Here and here are a couple I love. Need More Inspiration - Click for more information.
There are many ways to “fix” your brows because, as you know, eyebrows become thinner and less defined with age. However, a solution as simple as filling and shaping your brows gives them a much more defined, younger look. You can also opt to have your eyebrows professionally tinted once a month. Not only does this help define your brows but it will emphasize even your lightest hairs, giving the illusion of a fuller brow.
After brows are tinted or dyed, you may still want to fill them in, depending on the type of brow product you are most comfortable with. Here and here are a couple I love. Need More Inspiration - Click for more information.
When fitness is fun
As all who know me know, keeping fit is a big part of my life. I work out regularly, I eat a healthy diet and keep a positive mental attitude.
Working out regularly in the tropics presents some challenges. First, I made a commitment to do it regularly, no matter what. Second, I work out at home, as I am not really a club person. As my hubby & I don’t like air conditioning, this requires a real commitment, because one has to put up with a lot of perspiration & tiring more easily.
So, how do I make fitness fun?
A friend, also committed to fitness, and I devised a routine which allows us to break up the tedious part & enjoy a fun work out. We start by meeting at a public park on the beach that has changing & showering facilities. We meet at 7:30 AM, when it’s still cool, we go for a swim for about ½ hr. This took some working up to, so I started counting strokes & do as many as I can comfortably do, and over time we are up to swimming for ½ hr.
After the swim, we walk on the beach on the waterline for 2 ½ miles. Our Grand Anse beach is spectacular, there’s always activity, the ocean is gorgeous, we meet other walkers and we have a chance to see the progress on our least favorite resort development.
After showering & changing, we head to Bella Milano, a wonderful Italian pastry shop for a cappuccino for me & tea for my friend plus a delicious pastry. OK, so an Italian pastry is not the healthies food, but after the long workout, we feel we can afford to indulge. This whole routine takes until about 10-10:30 AM & is a wonderful way to start the day. We follow this routine twice a week.
I fully realize how lucky I am to live in this wonderful paradise of mine, but you don’t have to live here to do this type of fitness routine. A walk in a forest preserve, a park or botanic garden will do just as well & there are endless possibilities for swimming in pools, rivers, lakes as well as the ocean. What matters is that the routine be fun while maintaining a fitness regimen.
Maria's Personal Diet and Fitness Plan
If you can make a commitment for 6 months, to change some habits, anyone can lose weight and be healthier and more fit. Here are some suggestions to get going… First, weigh yourself and determine what would be a realistic goal for weight loss by the end of 6 months. Contact me if you have questions or concerns.
Week I
Day 1
Day 1
Day 1
FRIENDLY REMINDER: You invest your time and energy in many things which is what makes you who you are. This program is designed to invest in yourself, which is equally, if not more important.
Week I
Day 1
- Write down everything that goes into your mouth during the day –
- Try not to cheat, as doing so just cheats you.
- Begin to walk – 15 minutes
- Plan what you will eliminate from your diet- one thing today, i.e. sweets, etc.
- Walk for 20 minutes
- Begin portion control – eat normal meals but try to serve ½ of what you’d normally put on your plate
- Walk for 25 minutes
- Limit carb intake, i.e. if you have rice with your meal, no bread or pasta; if you eat bread, no rice, etc.
- Limit alcohol intake, 1 glass of your favorite a day.
- Walk for 25 minutes
- Develop a snack plan. Between meals snacks can include 10 almonds, roasted sultanas or a sandwich bag of cut cucumbers & carrots.
- Mix some can vinegar with your favorite herbs, pour into sandwich bag, put in vegetables OR
- A banana or 8 pieces of your favorite fruit OR 4 small slices of cheddar cheese with 4 crackers.
- Take a break from walking.
- Review how you prepare your food. Instead of frying, poach, boil or grill.
- Make sure your daily meals always include a garden salad, green, orange or white vegetables (not provisions).
- It is recommended to eliminate commercial dressings, instead make your own.
- Walk for 30 minutes
- Follow diet
- Weigh yourself
- Take a break from walking
Day 1
- Change oils you use for frying & sautéing – use only olive oil or coconut oil
- Buy whole wheat bread or rolls
- Follow diet
- Start stair exercises & start working with weights
- Follow diet
- Walk for 45 minutes
- Follow diet
- Do stair exercises & work with weights
- Follow diet
- Take a break from walking or exercising
- Follow diet
- Walk for 45 minutes, if possible on a slight incline (not a steep road)
- Follow diet
- Start aerobic exercises
- Weigh yourself
- Take a break from walking & exercising
Day 1
- Discuss progress/problems with Maria & continue program with adjustments as needed.
- Follow diet
- Begin workout program- start with low level aerobics – 10 minutes
- Follow diet
- Work out with weights – 5 minutes, then walk for 45 minutes
- Follow diet
- Stretching exercises – 10 minutes
- Follow diet
- Aerobic exercises – 15 minutes
- Follow diet
- Take a break from working out
- Follow diet
- Work with weights – 7 minutes, then walk for 45 minutes
- Follow diet
- Stretching exercises – 10 minutes
- Weigh yourself
- Repeat week 3, weigh yourself on the 7th day.
- Meet or contact me to discuss progress/problems, make adjustments as needed
- Repeat week 3 but adjust times for various exercises upwards as tolerated, to determine
FRIENDLY REMINDER: You invest your time and energy in many things which is what makes you who you are. This program is designed to invest in yourself, which is equally, if not more important.